Man and Machine Partnering not competing
The accelerating pace of technological change now places Man and Machine in direct competition: for jobs, in gaming, on the battlefield, and for the accolade of supreme intelligence. Together, humans and technology now find themselves in an ever more intimate partnership that is starting to blur the lines between human and cyborg - influencing the advancement of both.
Purely human sporting competitions no longer acknowledge the reality that man and machine operating in synergy can achieve results greater than the sum of their parts.
It is time for a new type of Games, one that allows the innovation in robotics, Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enter the arena alongside humans, both in partnership and in competition.
We have designed new types of competitive models for disciplines that embrace prosthetics, robotic technologies, AI and gaming within a completely egalitarian environment. Such an environment would not be based on an atavistic model of what mankind was like three millennia ago, but rather on what humanity is becoming under the influence of technology.
We have decided to call it Futurous (pronounced “Future Us”).
Inclusion and interaction Promoting collaboration through competition

Drone competition

Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Sports 2.0

Robotics and exoskeleton

Too often, there is artificial segregation between male vs. female, ‘able-bodied’ vs. ‘para-athlete’, human vs robot, eSport vs. traditional sport, professional vs. amateur, and even intra-sports, entertainment and art. By contrast, we recognise only three criteria:
- That it is a competitive activity open to mass participation
- That it involves both humans and technology working in tandem
- That it is both entertaining to watch, whilst serving some higher research or progress objective
We can meet these criteria by welcoming inclusive teams (female AND male, athlete AND para-athlete, human AND robot), combining eSports with traditional sports and by cross-fertilising technologies between disciplines. This will deliver a completely new experience, both for competitors and spectators, advancing the cause of innovation while serving communities.
Our mission
To Inspire, Invent, Include, Improve and Impact the world of sporting events by devising, creating and governing new forms of competition that harness the power of technology by optimising cost-effectiveness and returns on investment, while also answering the expectations of multiple communities. Futurous creates a whole new Innovation and technology eco-system.
Join our AmbitionsCreate the Future with Us
Beyond mere competition A festival of art and edutainment

Sports 2.0


Drones & Art
